Fly Square Media is the premier video production company in central Illinois.
What started out as a passion for creating has turned into a purpose and a grand pursuit to help businesses reach their full potential through branding and marketing with quality video content. Tried and true, time and time again; Video gets results...!!!​​
Contact us today to discuss how video content can help you reach your goals. We want to create something that will leave a lasting impression and have a valuable impact on your company. Video content can shape and form the way you are seen and the way your clients, or potential clients perceive your organization. So let's create something epic together...!!! Let us showcase what it is that makes you unique, let us create something that communicates what it is that you can do, or what you offer and we can sprinkle it with all the little things that make you, well, YOU.
Video content is the number one way to build a brand, gain trust and ultimately generate sales. If that sounds like something that is of interest to you, well, you are in the right place...!!
Please check out our PRODUCTIONS tab to see examples of our commercial video production. And check out our WEDDING FILMS tab to see examples of our cinematic wedding films. Information about packages and rates can be found on our INVESTMENTS page. Thank you so much for your interest in Fly Square Media. It would be an honor and a privilege to create some content for you. When you hire us, you are literally making the kid who could draws’ dream come true…!!!
We are also proud sponsors of H.O.P.E. -
Heyworth Organization of Parents and Educators.
As well as a preferred vendor of Normal Community High School.
We love being active in the Community we live in and we appreciate your support..!!!
Thank you all..!!!


Dillon Elliott
Fly Square Media

- Dillon was a Sergeant and Airborne Combat Engineer in the United States Army (that airborne in there means he was a paratrooper, on active jump status for almost 5 years). While in service he was deployed 3 times. Since discharging from the Army he received his BA from Southern Illinois University, distinguishing himself by earning the Magna Cum Laude for academic excellence. While still in college, he worked as an Associate Producer at WSIL-TV3 in Southern Illinois. Now Dillon lives in central Illinois and operates Fly Square Media, creating beautiful luxury wedding films, commercial video content and custom illustrations.